



學士班 \ 學群課目     +     課程地圖  
  1. Undergraduate Program  
    The bachelor’s degree requires completion of a minimum of 134 credits, including 28 University required credits, 58 department required credits and at least 30 elective credits offered through the department (at least 20 elective credits must be taken from our department faculties).

Required courses ( 58 credit hours )
Freshman Sophomore Junior
Statistics (3,3)
Calculus (4,4)
Linear Algebra (3,3)
Economics (3,3)
Introduction to Probability (3)
Statistical Inference (3)
Regression Analysis(3)
Experimental Design (3)
Data Processing (2,2)
Accounting (3,3)
Mathematical Statistics (3,3)
Survey Sampling(3)
Statistical Packages
Elective courses( at least 30 credits must be taken and there is at least 20 credits must be delivered by faculties )
Medical Statistics
  Categorical Data Analysis (3)
Survival Analysis (3)
Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials (3)
Analysis of Longitudinal Data (3)
Mathematical studies(通識)
Biostatistics Methods (3)
Statistics in Epidemiology (3) Nonparametric Statistics (3)
Statistics in Genetics (3)

Statistics in Bioinformatics (3)
Statistical Consulting (3)
Statistical methods for data analysis (3)
Financial Statistics
  Financial Management (3)
Investment Analysis
Time Series Analysis (3)
Futures and Options (3)
Risk Theory (3)
Heteroscedastic Model (3)
Stochastic Processes (2,2) Financial market ( 企管學系、合經學系 )
Financial Statement Analysis ( 財政學系、會計學系 )

Banking Management ( 企管學系 )
International Finical Management( 企管學系 )
衍生性金融市場 ( 合經學系 )

Business Statistics

Multivariate Analysis (3)
Time Series Analysis (3)
Marketing Survey (3) Categorical Data Analysis (3)
Business Management(3)

Statistical Consulting (3)
Economic Statistics (3) Statistical Methods for Data Analysis (3)
計量經濟學 ( 經濟學系 )
行銷方面課程 ( 企管學系 )

Mathematical Statistics

Advanced Calculus
Stochastic Processes (2,2)

Mathematical Statistics II 
Probability Theory II (3)
Special Topics in Statistics (3)

Others ( including law, computer information, business administration, accounting, etc.)
Statistics and Living (2)
Computer Programming (3)
Quality Management

Statistic computing (3)
Regression Analysis II (3)
Insurance Mathematic

Database system (3)
Top in statistics (3)
Seminar in statistic (3)

Data mining (3)
Linear model (3)
Operations Research (3)

Required courses
  • Note :

      Due to the 5-year study program for the undergraduate program at extension education,
      the course arrangement is slightly different.
學士 \ 學群課目     +     課程地圖  
2. Undergraduate Program at extension education
       The bachelor’s degree requires completion of a minimum of 134 credits, including 28 University required credits, 58 department required credits and at least 30 elective credits offered through the department (at least 20 elective credits must be taken from our department faculties).

Required courses ( 58 credit hours )
Freshman Sophomore Junior
Statistics (3,3)
Calculus (4,4)
Linear Algebra (3,3)
Economics (3,3)
Introduction to Probability (3)
Statistical Inference (3)
Regression Analysis (3)
Experimental Design (3)
Data Processing (2,2)
Accounting (3,3)
Business Management(3)
Mathematical Statistics (3,3)
Survey Sampling (3)
Statistical Packages (3)
Elective courses( at least 30 credits must be taken and there is at least 20 credits must be delivered by faculties )
Medical Statistics
  Categorical Data Analysis (3)
Survival Analysis (3)
Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials
Analysis of Longitudinal Data
Mathematical studies(通識)
Biostatistics Methods (3)
Statistics in Epidemiology (3) Nonparametric Statistics (3)
Statistics in Genetics (3)

Statistical Consulting (3)
Statistical methods for data analysis (3)
Financial Statistics
  Financial Management (3)
Investment Analysis
Time Series Analysis (3)
Futures and Options (3)
Risk Theory (3)
Heteroscedastic Model (3)
Stochastic Processes (2,2) Financial market ( 企管學系、合經學系 )
Financial Statement Analysis ( 財政學系、會計學系 )

Banking Management ( 企管學系 )
International Finical Management( 企管學系 )
衍生性金融市場 ( 合經學系 )

Business Statistics
    Multivariate Analysis (3)
Time Series Analysis (3)
Marketing Survey (3) Categorical Data Analysis (3)
Business Management(3)

Statistical Consulting (3)
Economic Statistics (3) Statistical Methods for Data Analysis (3)
計量經濟學 ( 經濟學系 )
行銷方面課程 ( 企管學系 )

Mathematical Statistics
Advanced Calculus
Stochastic Processes (2,2)

Mathematical Statistics II 
Probability Theory II (3)
Special Topics in Statistics (3)


Others ( including law, computer information, business administration, accounting, etc.)
Statistics and Living (2)
Computer Programming (3)
Quality Management

Statistic computing (3)
Regression Analysis II (3)
Insurance Mathematic

Database system (3)
Top in statistics (3)
Seminar in statistic (3)

Data mining (3)
Linear model (3)
Operations Research (3)
Introduction to Computer Science (3)

Required courses
  • Note :

      Due to the 5-year study program for the undergraduate program at extension education,
      the course arrangement is slightly different.
學士班 \ 學群課目     +     課程地圖  
  3. Master Program  
    The master degree requires completion of a minimum of 39 credits, including 6 credits of thesis research, 9 required credits and 18 elective credits offered through the department. In addition, a zero credit seminar must be taken for at least four semesters. For students whose undergraduate major is not in statistics, at least 3 department elective courses must be taken out of the six statistical core courses.
Required courses ( 15 credit hours )
1st year 2st year
Applied Mathematics and Computing for Statistics
Mathematical Statistics

Seminars : Statistics in Research

Seminars : Statistics in Research

Core courses(At least 3 courses must be taken for students whose undergraduate major is not in statistics)
Regression Analysis (3)
Applied Time Series Analysis (3)
Categorical Data Analysis (3)

Experimental Design (3)
Multivariate Analysis (3)
Survery Samping (3)

Elective course ( at least 18 credit hours)

Medical Statistics Advanced Medical Statistics
Categorical Data Analysis (3)
Survival Analysis (3)
Analysis of Longitudinal Data
Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials (3)
Statistics in Bioinformatics (3)
Statistics in Genetics (3)
Structural Equation Models (3)
Statistical Consulting (3)
Case Studies on Data Analysis (3)
進階存活分析 (3)
進階類別資料分析 (3)
Financial Statistics
Risk Management (3)
Financial Engineering and Innovations I (3)
Investment Analysis
Measure and Probability (3)

Applied Mathematics for Finance (3)
Applied Time Series Analysis (3)
Stochastic Processes
Heterosecdastic Model
Advanced Topics in Risk Management (3)
Financial Engineering and Innovations II (3)
Interest Rate Derivatives Pricing Theory (3)
Business Statistics
Multivariate Analysis (3)
Applied Time Series Analysis (3)
Categorical Data Analysis
Regression Analysis (3)
Survey Sampling (3)
Statistical Consulting (3)
Marketing  Research (3)
Experimental Design (3)
Applied Statistical Analysis with Missing Data (3)

Mathematical Statistics

Categorical Data Analysis (3)
Regression Analysis (3)
Applied Time Series Analysis (3)
Multivariate Analysis (3)
Experimental Design (3)
General Linear Statistical Models (3)

Survey Sampling (3)
Measure and Probability
Nonparametric Statistics (3)
Applied Statistical Analysis with Missing Data (3)
Survey Sampling (3)
Structural Equation Models (3)
Statistical computing techniques (3)
非參數估計專題 (3
Data Mining (3)
Advance Database (3)
學士班 \ 學群課目     +     課程地圖  
  4. Master Program at Extension Education  
  The Master Program at Extension Education requires completion of a minimum of 36 credits, including 6 credits of thesis research. The courses are divided into 3 specialiies, and 17 core credits are required for all studnets. Students can take elective courses from different specialties depending on their interest and needs at work.

Required courses ( 17 credit hours )
1st year 2st year

Statistical Methods I
Statistical Methods II
Statistical Packages
Categorical Data Analysis (3)
Multivariate Analysis (3)

Introduction to Probability+Statistical Inference
Regression AnalysisExperimental Design

Elective course(At least  7 credits)
Medical Statistics

Survival Analysis (3)
Analysis of Longitudinal Data (3)
Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials (3)

Biostatistics Methods (3)
Statistics in Genetics (3)
Case Studies on Data Analysis (3)
Statistics in Bioinformatics (3)
Structural Equation Models (3)

Financial Statistics

Applied Time Series Analysis (3)

Investment Analysis (3)
Options, Futures and Other Derivatives
Financial Management
Financial Engineering and Innovations(3)
Risk Management (3)

Applied Statistics
Applied Time Series Analysis (3)
Survey Sampling (3)
Statistical Consulting (3)

Structural Equation Models (3)
General Linear Statistical Models
Other advanced studies


Modern Management Forum
Management Practice Forum
Quality Control System
Advance Database (3)
Reliability Theory


正式開課資料以學校公告為主, 本表僅供參考


正式開課資料以學校公告為主, 本表僅供參考


正式開課資料以學校公告為主, 本表僅供參考


正式開課資料以學校公告為主, 本表僅供參考


學士班 \ 檔修規定 \ 學年度   98(含)以後   95   94   93   92  
入學年度 必修科目 檔修規定
98 學年度(含)以後
  1. 機率概論
  2. 統計推論
  3. 數理統計
  4. 迴歸分析
  5. 統計套用程式
  6. 實驗設計
  7. 抽樣調查
    1. 微積分(下)
    2. 機率概論
    3. 統計推論
    4. 統計學(下)
    5. 統計學(下)
    6. 統計學(下)
    7. 統計學(下)
擋修科目分數以 40 分為標準
95 學年度
  1. 機率概論
  2. 統計推論
  3. 數理統計
  4. 迴歸分析
  5. 統計套用程式
  6. 實驗設計
  7. 抽樣調查
    1. 微積分(下)
    2. 統計學(下)、機率概論
    3. 統計推論
    4. 統計學(下)
    5. 統計學(上、下)
    6. 統計學(下)
    7. 統計學(下)
擋修科目分數以 50 分為標準
94 學年度
  1. 高等微積分
  2. 數理統計
  3. 迴歸分析
  4. 實驗設計
  5. 抽樣調查
    1. 微積分(下)
    2. 統計學(下)
    3. 統計學(下)
    4. 統計學(下)
    5. 統計學(下)
擋修科目分數以 40 分為標準
93 學年度
  1. 高等微積分
  2. 數理統計
  3. 迴歸分析
  4. 實驗設計
  5. 抽樣調查
    1. 微積分(下)
    2. 統計學(下)
    3. 統計學(下)
    4. 統計學(下)
    5. 統計學(下)
擋修科目分數以 40 分為標準
92 學年度
  1. 高等微積分
  2. 數理統計
  3. 迴歸分析
  4. 實驗設計
  5. 抽樣調查
    1. 微積分(下)
    2. 統計學(下)
    3. 統計學(下)
    4. 統計學(下)
    5. 統計學(下)
擋修科目分數以 40 分為標準
進修學士班 \ 檔修規定 \ 學年度   98(含)以後   95   94   93   92  
入學年度 必修科目 檔修規定
98 學年度(含)以後
  1. 機率概論
  2. 統計推論
  3. 數理統計
  4. 迴歸分析
  5. 統計套用程式
  6. 實驗設計
  7. 抽樣調查
    1. 微積分(下)
    2. 機率概論
    3. 統計推論
    4. 統計學(下)
    5. 統計學(下)
    6. 統計學(下)
    7. 統計學(下)

擋修科目分數以 40 分為標準
95 學年度
  1. 機率概論
  2. 統計推論
  3. 數理統計
  4. 迴歸分析
  5. 統計套用程式
  6. 實驗設計
  7. 抽樣調查
    1. 微積分(下)
    2. 統計學(下)、機率概論
    3. 統計推論
    4. 統計學(下)
    5. 統計學(上、下)
    6. 統計學(下)
    7. 統計學(下)

擋修科目分數以 50 分為標準
94 學年度
  1. 高等微積分
  2. 數理統計
  3. 迴歸分析
  4. 實驗設計
  5. 抽樣調查
    1. 微積分(下)
    2. 統計學(下)
    3. 統計學(下)
    4. 統計學(下)
    5. 統計學(下)

擋修科目分數以 40 分為標準
93 學年度
  1. 高等微積分
  2. 數理統計
  3. 迴歸分析
  4. 實驗設計
  5. 抽樣調查
    1. 微積分(下)
    2. 統計學(下)
    3. 統計學(下)
    4. 統計學(下)
    5. 統計學(下)

擋修科目分數以 40 分為標準
92 學年度
  1. 高等微積分
  2. 數理統計
  3. 迴歸分析
  4. 實驗設計
  5. 抽樣調查
    1. 微積分(下)
    2. 統計學(下)
    3. 統計學(下)
    4. 統計學(下)
    5. 統計學(下)

擋修科目分數以 40 分為標準
修課 一、修課諮商: 碩士生應需與課程輔導老師諮商修課計畫,每學期選課流程如下:
  1. 校訂初選前,請攜帶大學與碩士歷年成績單與課程輔導老師諮商每學期修課計畫。
  2. 開學後一週內,請上網自行列印初選清單,親自簽名後,請課程輔導老師簽名確認再繳回系辦存查。
  3. 研究生領取選課確認單後,請於選課確認單親自簽名,交至系辦核對初選清單。
論文 一、指導教授:
  1. 應由本系專任教師擔任,每學期每位專任教師指導碩士以二人為限,但延畢生不在此限;如果有特殊狀況,簽請系主任專案處理。
  2. 同學應與本系專任教師討論,並決定是否增加系外共同指導教授。
  3. 同學須於每年 5 月底或 12 月底提出指導教授確認書至統計系辦公室辦理
  1. 論文須於口試前三個月提論文大綱(大綱需依系上規定之格式:封面提案內容)。
  2. 口試前ㄧ個月應提出口試申請書(碩士班碩士班在職專)。
  3. 論文提案的範例
碩士在職專班 \ 修業規定
九十七年六月   十八日訂定
九十九年十月       六日訂定
第一條 修業年限 研究生修業年限以二至五年為限。
第二條 修課規定 ㄧ、研究生應與課程輔導老師諮商修課計畫,每學期選課流程如下:
  1. 校訂初選前,請攜帶大學與碩士歷年成績單與課程輔導老師諮商每學期修課計畫。
  2. 開學後一週內,請上網自行列印初選清單,親自簽名後,請課程輔導老師簽名確認再繳回系辦存查。
  3. 領取選課確認單後,請於選課確認單親自簽名,交至系辦核對初選清單。
第三條 修讀學分
  1. 研究生至少修滿三十六學分(含碩士論文六學分)。
  2. 除本班課程外,可至本系碩士班及外系(所)碩士在職專班選修至多六學分。
第四條 指導教授
  1. 應由本系專任教師擔任。
  2. 研究生應與本系專任教師討論,並決定是否增加系外共同指導教授。
  3. 研究生須於每年五月底或十二月底,提出指導教授確認書至統計系辦公室辦理。
第五條 學位論文
  1. 論文須於口試前三個月提論文大綱(大綱需依系上規定之格式:封面提案內容)。
  2. 口試前ㄧ個月應提出口試申請書(碩士班碩士在職專班
  3. 論文提案的範例
第六條   本規則有未盡事宜,依本校相關規定辦理。
第七條   本規則經本系系務會議通過後施行,修正時亦同。

99】【98】【97】【96】 【95】【94】【93】【92】【91】【90】 

99】【98】【96~97】【95】 【9493】【92】【91】【90】 

99】【98】【95~97】【94】 【93

99】【9896~9795 【94 【93


1.碩士班各學程修畢證書採「 申請制

2.修完各學程所規定應修之課程,即 可隨時提出申請



1.碩士班各學程修畢證書採「 申請制

2.修完各學程所規定應修之課程,即 可隨時提出申請



1.碩士班各學程修畢證書採「 申請制

2.修完碩士班各學程所規定應修之課程,即 可隨時提出申請



1.碩士在職專班各學程修畢證書採「 申請制

2.修完碩士在職專班各學程所規定應修之課程,即 可隨時提出申請




